Emmie Hayes loved the beautiful Ashton Stirling deeply; nobody could deny that. She had given him her youth, and all he gave in return was misery and pain. She was ready for a new beginning, but Ashton wasn’t about to let her go so easily, even if it meant destroying both their lives in the process.
Three years later Emmie convinces herself she is ready to leave all of that heartbreak in the past and find a little piece of normal for herself. She heads to New York City to pick up where she left off, determined to finish art school. Emmie is determined to focus on school and not let anything distract her, but life has a way of throwing curveballs.
Paige, Emmie’s new roommate, brings Colin Bennett into her life. His smoldering eyes and lean muscular body are difficult for any girl to ignore. Only thing is, Emmie isn’t any girl. Her past makes her resistant to his charms. Colin isn’t one to give up easily, and just when he thinks he may have found a way to her stubborn heart, her tragic history may have found a way to tear them apart.
This is the first book I’ve read of Wendy Owens and it
happens to be her first NA book as well. WIN WIN. I absolutely loved this book
and devoured it in about 3 hrs. I’ve been sick and haven’t really been in the
mood to read because I feel like I can’t write a review to do the book justice.
So bear with me if I seem to ramble on, it’s the cold meds lol.
So Stubborn Love is about Clementine, Emmie, and how she
comes to be who she is now. She always had dreams to go to a college in NY to
perfect her art. However, meeting a guy in high school changes everything… and
not for the better. Ashton is privileged and with that comes a need to control.
He’s learned how to manipulate Emmie and so of course she stays around. That is
until one day she decides to call him on his bluff… everything changes.
Moving away with her mother she begins painting again and
taking a few correspondences classes. She even begins selling some of her
paintings and she’s doing really well for someone of her age. Applying to 2
colleges in NY, Emmie is finally getting the future she dreamed about. Part of
me loves that Emmie is trying to move on in her life. Part of me hates what
happened to her. But we all have issues we have to face in life, it either
makes us stronger or it hinders us. The thing is to take the good with the bad
and learn from it. Emmie is now in NY and finding a place is a nightmare that
is until she meets Paige.
“I was not going to let my tragedy define me. I was doing
this for me.”
Paige is absolutely amazing. LOVE LOVE LOVE her and her
attitude. My mom is from the Bronx and they have this New York attitude that I
think is absolutely awesome. Something about a person who will tell you exactly
what’s on their mind. Love that, I think if more people said what they thought,
there would be less confusion. Anyways, Paige offers Emmie a room in her “flat”
that’s really a 2 bedroom apartment. This is where things take off. Going to
meet Paige, Emmie walks into a rundown warehouse that houses one of the most
gorgeous guys she has ever seen. Colin.
“I see you, baby, all of you, so please, let me at least
Dear lord Colin is beyond sexy. He’s the ideal boyfriend.
His outer appearance is spectacular but it’s the inside that matters. Though
Colin comes off as a douche at first, he’s not what he seems. But does Emmie
give him the chance to prove it to her that he’s not what she thinks? Can Emmie
let go of her past to maybe have more of a future than what she thought she
wanted? Will Colin be able to look past the secret she keeps?
This book is absolutely written beautifully. Like the
brushstrokes that make up a paintings finished product, Wendy Owens adds
dimension to each character forming a well-rounded novel. The problems in this
story are real, the characters are real, and the emotions are real. Reading
Emmie’s story is a must. It gives hope to those who don’t believe they deserve
it, hope to try for something better, and to sometimes surrender to love even
when you don’t think you deserve it.
<3 Dani
When Dani passed me this book for us to review I was excited because it sounded interesting. I was in love with it as soon as I met Colin. Well okay let me take that back. Till I met Paige! But first let me take you back. The book starts with Emmie (Clementine) and her story about marrying the love of her life, Ashton, She moved in with him and his family who were very well off. Their relationship was not the best. She gave up everything, school and what not to be what he wanted. Ashton was not the ideal. She threatened to leave him and then her world blew up!
Emmie moved away with her mom to start a new life. When she was ready she moved to a school in New York, where she had to find housing. This was a HUGE change from what she was used to. Bring in PAIGE! Love this girl. She is so funny. Wendy Owens created such a funny character in Paige. Paige invites Emmie to view her loft. Well Were she ends up is not Paige's place but her boyfriends. Emmie meets Colin! OH MY WORD! At first he is rude. Emmie is put off and angry by him. She soon learns that he dated Paige's former roommate and that it did not end well. They set ground rules that she would not do that. Well she cant help it if COLIN is the one attracted! Emmie is set on not dating but when a guy at school approaches her she goes on one. AND WOW that was a mistake. He is NOT who he says he is and is out to cause her trouble.
When Colin makes his move, and Paige encourages Emmie to Take a shot she does. Can she let go of her guilt with Ashton and find love with Colin? You have to read this story to find out. Colin is just AMAZING. I fell in love with him. Wendy Owens has created the next hot boy boyfriend! Give Stubborn Love a chance! I am so glad I did! It was a great read!
- Christina -
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Madison Seidler
Madison Says
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Wendy Owens was raised in the small college town of Oxford, Ohio. After attending Miami University, Wendy went on to a career in the visual arts.
After several years of creating and selling her own artwork, she gave her first love, writing, a try. Since 2011, she has published a young adult paranormal series, The Guardians, which will contain five books total, as well as a novella. Wendy now happily spends her days writing—her loving dachshund, Piper, curled up at her feet. When she's not writing, she can be found spending time with her tech geek husband and their three amazing kids, exploring the city she loves to call home: Cincinnati, OH.
Stubborn Love is her debut New Adult novel. Only In Dreams, the second book in this series, is set to be released December 2013.
For info on Wendy's novels including her YA series, The Guardians, visit: http://wendyowens.com/.
Madison Seidler
Madison Says
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